21 April 2008

Guilty Conscience

So, tonight as I was making dinner, Sydney was DYING to be held. I mean, screaming at the top of her lungs for me to pick her up. As soon as I could, I did but I was still stirring dinner on the stove to keep it from burning. Being the curious baby she is, Sydney tried to touch the skillet I was using and to prevent her from being burned, I swatted her hand away. Not hard, just enough to get the point across that she could not touch the pan. But, she started screaming twice as hard as she had been previously and I've spent the rest of the evening just feeling horribly guilty. I know that she's fine and she calmed down as soon as I sat down and nursed her...but I still feel just awful for it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yeah, don't you hate moments like that?? you know you're doing something for their own good, but they make you feel so bad for it... geez... Dawna does this little pathetic lower lip thing when something like that happens... I think a response to being scared... still, makes you feel like the meanest parent ever... I know you love her, though :)