31 October 2009



We went over to the Johnson's after the trunk-or-treat to hang out with some church/law school friends. The toddlers love playing together. Here, I showed them how to be a tunnel for the train set. They thought it was hilarious.


Halloween 2009

Sydney was a bluebird this year. I got the idea for the bird costume from here.

Our bluebird of happiness.

Our decorated trunk for the Trunk-or-Treat. Charles was so proud of his handiwork. He set it up so he just had to open the trunk and hang the skeleton and it was ready.

Getting candy. She said thank you at each stop.

We made the mistake of leaving the candy bucket with Sydney. Two blocks away from the church, I could smell butterscotch and looked back to see this.

30 October 2009

Fun with Feathers.

Aunt Talia had some fun with the leftover feathers from Sydney's costume.

29 October 2009

Story Time at the Library


Sydney loves going to the library. She asks to go almost every morning. It's so much fun to watch her get involved in the songs and stories. And then to hear her sing them to herself when we're at home.



This one is after she came back to me and told me, "I go stand up there."

26 October 2009

Pumpkin Carving

So, our tradition is to get our pumpkins from a pumpkin patch and then, on the Monday before Halloween, carve them for Family Home Evening. Well, we got the pumpkins on a very wet day, so we didn't take pictures of picking them out, but they were pretty awesome pumpkins. Sydney would kiss them goodbye when we would leave the house. And then, on Sunday night, Charles and I were watching Iron Chef when we heard a noise outside. Some dork smashed our pumpkins! It was quite sad. So we spent Monday afternoon looking for new pumpkins. After, like three stores, we finally found some to carve. So here are the pictures of us carving our not as awesome pumpkins. At least they ended up looking pretty neat.






Can you see the face she drew?


23 October 2009

Who we cheer for on Game Day


Of course, we can't cheer for our favorite team without cheering for our favorite tight end and nursery worker! (Seriously, we used to put her in the other nursery because Dennis and Mataya are so awesome!)


Not to mention our yummy blue and white cupcakes for the game (and Chelsea's birthday...pretend the blue is purple in that case.)


19 October 2009


In our new apartment, we have a pretty big yard. Big enough that we can set up our croquet set and play a round or two. Sydney enjoys playing with us, although we have to be careful what we say. Last time we played, she would hit the ball and then exclaim, "Oh lame!"



18 October 2009

Sunday Afternoon Photoshoot

Living close to Grandma Duran means that Sydney gets lots of cute new Sunday dresses, which means I get to take cute pictures of Sydney after church.











15 October 2009

I found me


Sydney is getting better at hide and seek.

Now, if she would only stay hidden until you find her. She likes to jump out as soon as you're done counting and shout, "I found me!"

12 October 2009


What do you get when you give your two year old a slice of bread and leave a butter knife and the peanut butter out on the table?




07 October 2009

Sob Story

So, Sunday, I was cooking at my parents' house and Sydney decided she wanted to help me. Long story short, she ended up with second degree burn on her arm. We took her in to see a doctor today to make sure the burn was healing well and not infected. Thankfully, it is. The doctor prescribed a burn cream and then had his nurse dress it back up for me. The second the nurse came toward her, she started crying and screaming "Thank you, thank you!" I guess she thought that thanking her would make her stop. The nurse apparently felt really bad, since she brought Sydney a HANDFUL of stickers to help her feel better.

03 October 2009

General Conference

Picture 4414

Sydney, eating fruit snacks and listening to her friend...

What a great way to start a Saturday!
Thomas S. Monson photo from LDS news.

02 October 2009

Special Girl

Picture 4411
At Grandma's house, she gets to lick the frosting off the beater.

Sydney's Style

Picture 4402
Can't help but love her.

Catching Up

Picture 3970

Love this face...even covered in ketchup.

Speaking of catch up (nice segue, eh?), I'm almost caught up in posting. It's hard when my pictures are on one computer and that computer is at law school all day. But, I'll try to get most of September done tonight and tomorrow.

01 October 2009

A girl and her duck?

This is a duck.
Picture 4370

However, to Sydney, this is Ducky-horse.
Picture 4373

She likes to ride him all through our apartment.
Picture 4390

Picture 4391

Sometimes he bucks her off...
Picture 4393

...but she always gets right back up.
Picture 4396

Ride on, Ducky-horse!
Picture 4397