14 February 2010

Some News

Some news, with more later perhaps. Today Valerie's parents and my parents came to Lincoln for church. My father ordained me a High Priest and I was sustained and set apart as the first assistant to the High Priest group leader. I guess Valerie is correct, I am officially an old man!


Phairforce said...

Ha ha! you're in the old fogey club! :-)

Charles said...

True enough. Hey, are you all still wanting to come out for Spring Break this year?

Greg and Elisha Reese said...

We heard about your good news!!! That is awesome Charles! Congratulations!

John and Karisa said...

Ha! Not surprised! John said, "oh all my friends, Charles would be he one to go to the HPQ first!" Well, that's exciting-- don't you get off the hook now for helping with EQ moves???

Charles said...

Yes, techinically! And according to the law school students there are a bunch of rights that come with being an HP that I didn't even know about. For example, I was told I can now fart in public without being embarassed.

larainydays said...

Oh Charles, I think you were born a High Priest. You have always been wise beyond your years. You'll be wonderful in that calling.