09 January 2009

Friday Fill-in

1. It's January: it's cold and wet.

2. Fresh fruit and sunshine is what I crave most right now.

3. Cork and wine go together like some other things I have no clue about.

4. Spending time together is so nourishing.

5. Let us dare to not watch mindless tv late at night.

6. People should come visit my home.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to doing something fun (any ideas?), tomorrow my plans include cleaning out our closet and Sunday, I want to make it through church without a meltdown!


Mike and Sarah Orme said...

Valerie. Im starting a Food Blog where we can post our recipes with photos and everything and get ideas from each other . Let me know if you are interested. Just email me at sorme818@gmail.com or leave me a message with your email so that way I can invite you.

Anonymous said...

so why do you (or is it Charles) have Sunday meltdowns?

My suggestion for tonight is to virtual study for me!
okay it's not FUN but it IS what I will be doing!

sunnysnows said...

Sounds like you need a trip to California for fresh fruit and sunshine! It's supposed to be int he 70s this coming week. Thank goodness. It's been COLD lately!

Charles said...

Sydney has the Sunday meltdowns, we are both doing fine. Sydney freaked out last week when she didn't get a nap because of the time change for church.